President : Ajay

Vice President : Ekta Soni

Gen Secretary : Cyanna

Sports Comm Secretary : Akhil

Fine Arts Comm. Secretary : Bimla

Magazine Comm. Secretary : Ashly

Scientific Comm. Secretary : Dipendra

Women’s Representative : Hasna

Men’s Representative : Salbin


Name of students

Topic of project

Guide’s name

Arpana Regmi

Effectiveness of Proximal Femoral Nailing(PFN) and Dynamic Hip Screw(DHS) for proximal femoral fracture management. A comparative study.

Dr. Harish

Farsana C.H.

Occurence of developmental co-ordination disorder in normal school going children.

Dr. Hima

Anjali Bhandari

Evidence of ankle sprain in athletics and its PT management.

Dr. Abhilash

Nisha Sara Mathukutty

Comparative study of moist pack and SWD in tibio-femoral OA.

Dr. Harish

Soniya George

Co-relation between Berg Balance scale and short form Berg Balance scale in elderly people.

Dr. Haripriya

Jerry Joseph

Shoulder function in patients with frozen shoulder syndrome. The effect of conservative treatment and mobilization.

Dr. Priya S.

Anil Abraham

Effect of mobilization and conventional exercise in increasing knee ROM.

Dr. Priya S.

Supriya Soman

Functional disabilities in cervical spondylosis patients.

Dr. Sanjay Eapen Samuel

Anjali N.P.

Efficacy of specific stabilization exercises and conventional back extension exercises in the management of chronic disc prolapsed- A comparative study.

Dr. Abhilash

Bhagya P. Krishnan

McKenzie concept in low back pain.

Dr. Senthil Vijay

Pallavi Anna Mathew

Effect of 6 minute walk test in COPD patients.

Dr. Roshan


Comparative study for effectiveness of therapeutic ultrasound on pain ROM in patients with P.A.shoulder.

Dr. Harish

Feba Sara Oomen

Relationship between oxygen saturation and academic performance in normal school going children.

Dr. Hima

Anjana B.S.

Influence of BMI on functional mobility and balance in elderly individuals.

Dr. Haripriya

Renjisha T.K.

Lateral epicondylitis: functional limitations and impact on activities of daily living in women home makers.

Dr. Sanjay Eapen Samuel

Liya Joy

Measures of psychological factors in patients with chronic low back pain.

Dr. Roshan

Keerthy Navamy

PT management for pressure sore.

Dr. Mukesh Kumar S


Myocardial infarction

Dr. Mukesh Kumar S

Will be updated soon!!

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